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 vprintf()               Write Formatted Data to Stdout

 #include   <stdio.h>
 #include   <stdarg.h>                  Use for ANSI C standard compatibility

 int        vprintf(format-string,arg-ptr);
 const char *format-string;              Format control
 va_list    arg-ptr;                     Pointer to list of arguments

    vprintf() formats and prints a series of characters and values to the
    standard output stream 'stdout'. It is similar to printf(), but
    accepts a pointer to a list of arguments rather than a list of

    'arg-ptr' has the type 'va_list'.  It is defined in <stdarg.h>
    (required for compatibility with proposed ANSI C standard).
    'arg-ptr' points to a list of arguments.  These arguments are
    converted and output according to specifications in 'format-string'.
    (For the inner workings of variable-length parameter lists, see
    va_start(), va_arg(), and va_end()).

    See printf() for a complete description of 'format-string'.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements write data to the console.

           #include <stdio.h>
           #include <stdarg.h>

           int x;
               char *date = "12/21/86";
               char *header = "ANNUAL REPORT";

                   putdata("Data from : %s, (%s)\n",header,date);
                   for (x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                   putdata("\nEnd of Report\n");

           char *fmt_str;
                va_list arg_ptr;


See Also: printf() va_arg()
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